»Mustafa Bilgin, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, was awarded with the microFLEX-Award for his research on “Intelligent codes by controlled responsiveness to external stimuli.”. The prize was awarded and sponsored by the Technische Universität Chemnitz, Fujifilm Dimatix, Novacentrix, 3D Micromac and Fraunhofer Enas.« TU Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany, 2017 [PDF] [certificate]

»The prize for the best paper and presentation was granted to Mr. Mustafa Bilgin and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Backhaus from University of Wuppertal, Germany for their paper “Development of a Unidirectional Switchable Photochromic Ink for Smart Packaging”. It was handed over during the official jubilee session on the last conference day.« 45th International iarigai Conference, Warsaw, Polan, Oktober, 2018 [PDF] [certificate]

Prize winner for the best paper and presentation „Smart materials detection using computer vision“ at the 46th International iarigai Conference, Stuttgart, Germany, September, 2019 [certificate]